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"In the 11 years that I have been with the company, our overall leadership team is the most solid it has ever been. Our senior leadership team is particularly strong, thanks in large part to the monthly one-on-one coaching sessions provided by the Herringshaw Group to each of our members. We enjoy very high retention rates in leadership positions, and our team at all levels has a clear understanding of our defined mission, vision, values, and strategy."

Dahl Automotive Logo
Heather Steinhoff
VP, Human Resources
Dahl Automotive
Compassion International Logo

"Engaging with Herringshaw Group has helped make me and my team more effective as leaders and team members.  The return on investment is a no-brainer."

James Hansen
VP, Office of Risk Managment
Compassion International

"Working with the Herringhaw Group has been transformative... Having someone who is genuinely for us, equipped with the right tools and experience, is essential. It's been a dynamic opportunity to work with them, and the impact on my team and me has been profound. I would say to anyone considering the Herringhaw Group: You can't afford not to do it."

Quility Logo
Beth Maddox
Regional Agency Director