Founding Story

Mark and Matt Herringshaw coaching baseball

After three decades decoding the ciphers of individual performance, team chemistry, organizational excellence, and leader legacy, Mark Herringshaw opens a fresh chapter, partnering with his son, Matthew to launch the Herringshaw Group. 

The prime catalyst was Mark’s near-fatal heart attack in 2019 which brought him face to face with his own mortality, prompting a renewed fervor to prioritize what matters most. Emerging from this crisis, Mark determined to apply to himself the legacy–building and apprenticeship principles he had taught to others and to raise up a family enterprise grounded on his pioneering Ph.D. research in leadership power and humility-based communication and the precedent of his own successful consulting practice. As a first step to this vision, Matthew and Mark founded Herringshaw Group in 2023, which is now positioned to partner with others in their extended family and with values-aligned “kindred” consultant partners enabling them to extend their reach. 

Now in their daily interactions, Mark and Matt exemplify the prime principle and practice of family business succession: apprenticeship Their own earned insight into the delicate process of transferring values, relational trust and skills and knowledge from one generation to the next is a living testament of the challenges and the joys of working with – and as – family, and doing so in a way that honors legacy and positions for future impact. Eager to understand your unique business challenges, Mark and Matt are ready to walk with you and your team through this journey. Their goal? To offer proven principles, personal insights, guidance, and accountability during one of the most critical phases of any family business: the succession transition.

Mark and Matt Herringshaw Business FoundersMark and Matt Herringshaw Baseball Coaching YouthMark Herringshaw leading a leadership development session

What We Stand For



At Herringshaw Group, our "I-to-I" philosophy is about creating eye-to-eye connections that go beyond mere transactions. We believe that leadership is most effective when it's a two-way street, where mutual respect and understanding are the norms, not the exceptions. This approach allows for a more meaningful transfer of knowledge, values, and responsibilities. It's not just about passing the torch; it's about ensuring that the next generation is fully equipped to carry it forward.


Say It like It Is

Candor is more than just honesty; it's about being transparent and straightforward in all our interactions. We believe that open dialogue fosters trust and accelerates problem-solving. Whether we're consulting with a family business or a Fortune 500 company, we commit to speaking the truth with tact and respect, ensuring that every stakeholder's voice is heard and valued.


Well-Informed Optimists

In a world where change is the only constant, hopefulness is not just an asset; it's a necessity. We approach every challenge with a positive outlook, believing that even the most complex problems have solutions waiting to be discovered. Our hopeful perspective is contagious, inspiring our clients to envision a future where generational transitions are not just smooth but also opportunities for new beginnings and greater achievements.


Transcendentals: Goodness, Truth, and Beauty

We believe in doing excellent work. The highest form of excellence is what is Good, True, and Beautiful. Excellence is not an end but a journey of continuous improvement. We strive to deliver services that not only meet but exceed expectations. From our proprietary processes to our personalized consultations, we aim for nothing less than the highest quality. This commitment to excellence enables us to help organizations deliver their own excellence, navigate challenges,  and add value to a world that desperately needs it.

curved white decorationHerringshaw Group round logo

We're already on your side!

We’d love to get to know you, hear your story, and chat about
what it would look like for us to work together.

What we do.

Meet our team.

Mark Herringshaw Headshot

Mark Herringshaw, PhD

Matt Herringshaw headshot

Natalie Oostdyk

Director of Operations
Matt Herringshaw headshot

Matt Herringshaw

Mark Herringshaw Headshot

Josh Schrock

Senior Consultant
Justin Searway headshot

Justin Searway

Content Manager

Advisors & Board Members

Brian Williamson Headshot

Brian Williamson, PhD

Strategic Advisor
Strategy & Leader Development
Brandon Jensen headshot

Brandon Jensen, MS LMFT

Strategic Advisor
Family Counseling
Kathy Mayhew headshot

Kathy Mayhew, PhD

Strategic Advisor
Family Counseling
Mick Mayhew headshot

Mick Mayhew, PhD

Strategic Advisor
Family Counseling

Interested in joining our team? 

We're actively seeking consultants and other key members to help us expand our reach and deepen our impact. If you're passionate about Humility-Based Leadership and generational transition, we'd love to hear from you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Herringshaw Group's core philosophy?

Our core philosophy is Humility-Based Leadership (HMBL). We believe in facilitating leadership succession through the transfer of knowledge and values, all anchored in the virtue of humility. Read more here.

How do you handle leadership transitions in family businesses?

Family businesses present unique challenges and opportunities in leadership transition. Our Heirloom service is specifically designed to guide family businesses through the delicate process of transferring leadership from one generation to the next, ensuring both continuity and room for innovation. Depending on the family's unique needs, Heirloom is typically a 3-year process to help ensure seamless transitions for family businesses.

How do you address the loss of organizational knowledge due to employee turnover?

Employee turnover can result in a significant loss of organizational knowledge and values. We offer specialized services like Legacy Forge and Fare-well to capture and reinvest this crucial "organizational DNA" before key individuals depart, thereby preserving the essence of your organization.

How can I be sure that Herringshaw Group is the right fit for my organization?

We offer a 20-minute Zoom session for an "I to I" conversation to understand your unique challenges and needs. This initial consultation will give you a good sense of our approach and how it can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization. Schedule a call with us here.

What is the "Statement of Assurance Regarding our Use of Intelligence Technology in our Services"?

This statement assures our clients that while we may use information and intelligence technologies to assist us, the design and development of our offerings are strictly human endeavors. We consciously defer to human consciousness and reject the exploitation of artificial general intelligence. You can read the full statement here.

What is the 5 Voices framework and how do you use it? 

The 5 Voices Framework is a tool designed to help individuals and teams understand their unique communication styles and how these styles interact within a group setting. While the 5 Voices Framework is not a proprietary tool of Herringshaw Group, we are licensed facilitators and find its principles align well with our core philosophy of Humility-Based Leadership. We use this framework to help teams identify their dominant "voices" or communication styles, which in turn fosters greater empathy, understanding, and effective collaboration. By integrating the 5 Voices Framework into our consultancy services, we aim to enhance and create more cohesive, effective teams that can navigate the complexities of leadership transition and organizational growth.

What is Motivations AI and how do you use it?

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to lose sight of what truly motivates us, leading to a lack of fulfillment and direction in both personal and professional lives. Traditional personality tests often offer generic insights that don't get to the heart of what makes you tick. They can leave you with more questions than answers, making it difficult to make informed decisions about your career, relationships, and life goals. Motivations AI is a revolutionary narrative-based personality assessment tool designed to solve this problem. By analyzing your own life stories, it uncovers the core motivations that drive you. Backed by 60 years of empirical research, Motivations AI provides actionable insights that can transform how you engage with the world, making you more productive, inspired, and fulfilled. It's not just a personality test; it's a key to unlocking a more meaningful life.

Though Motivations AI is not proprietary to Herringshaw Group, we are licensed facilitators and rely on this proven tool is our succession planning consulting and leadership intensives.